Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do we ever really grow out of high school?

This might be random thinking but remember I am spilling out what is in my head so I can go to sleep. So today while I was on Facebook, I read a post on a link about my 10 year high school reunion. It is being planned for August of this year. Which I won't be able to make, kind of bummed but at the same time, I'm not for a couple of reasons. Firstly a few months ago someone had started a post by asking if anybody had any idea of when our reunion was going to be. Of course no one had heard anything. Through many a posts it was starting to be planned by those whose responsiblity it wasn't. It was always someone and talked to so-and-so and they said they talked to this person who spoke with the person who should be incharge. Confusing I know. Then suggestions were given for when to have it. One person who was quite popular in high school gave the suggestion for August because it seemed to work best for their schedule, but worded as to make it sound like it would work for the majority of the people.

Now I know that one date will not work well for everyone, it is funny however, that this persons suggestion happens to be around the date that is now set for the reunion. Also this person is now involved in the planning, or so it seems. So this made me laugh a bit and also made me start to think. Even though we graduate from high school, do we carry the stereotype we had in high school with us? I don't think that it is merely hapenstance that the time frame this individual suggested ended up being the final date. So maybe I am reading more into this, but I don't know it just seems funny. Others who were popular but not quite as popular as this person, offered other dates and maybe they were considered, I just find it interesting.

There were definite classes of people in my high school. You had the drama group and choir group. You had the cheerleaders, you had the art kids, you had the goodie goodies. You of course had the athletic group. I refrain from using jock as it is cliche. You had the stage crew guys and the goths. Then there were those of us who didn't quite belong to any one group but had friends in the multitude of groups and could fit in with the majority of those groups. I fit best into the last. I had my small group of friends that I always ate lunch with and hung out with. So here is my second reason, I speak, on a regular basis, to about two people from high school. One of which I am still extremely close with. The rest I have lost contact with or indirectly told to stop f---ing calling or just grew apart. So why would I want to go, for the same reason everyone wants to, to see how everyone has changed. To see what everyone has done with their lives. I am pretty sure I might shock a few people with what I chose as my profession. Thanks to Facebook though, it almost makes reunions pointless. You can see for yourself in the pics posted how one has changed OR stayed the same.

So back to my question, do you carry your so called label of drama geek, jock, cheerleader, etc. with you in life after high school? I think to some degree some do. If you see yourself the way you were in high school, then you might not be able to move past it. I also think people from your past have a way of remembering you as they knew you. So do you have a chance to show what you've become, good or bad, at a reunion, with that thought in mind. You may be a mom or a dad, you maybe a doctor, a lawyer, a successfull business person, you may just be you. But, to someone from your past you may always be remembered for that awkward, geeky person you were way back when. Or you may find yourself not remembered at all. So what's the point? At this question I am at a loss. I think that there is truth to being remembered for who you once were and not who you now are.

I have a friend who seems quite sure of themselves that they know me so well. News flash I have grown up, I have changed. While some things have changed others haven't. I am not the same person I was 10 years ago. It frustrates me when people assume they know you when really, they don't know you at all. So if you are debating on whether or not to go to your reunion it's up to you. For me however why go and spend a few hours with people who assume to know you, when all they know is someone from the past. Thankfully by living about 900-1000 miles away I don't have to worry. Thanks for reading I know it was long.

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